Legal services provided by Law Firms in Dubai(From Dubai’s Perspective) can be complicated, depending upon the course of action required, nature of the case, number of applicants, type of law applied etc. The legal service should be taken from Emirati Lawyers in Dubai(From Dubai’s Perspective). As a result, the fees vary depending on a variety of circumstances, including legal experience, the law firm’s expertise, the complexity of the subject, and the authority before the case is presented.
Fee Refund By-Law Firms:
We are confident that all types of lawyers or law firms have dealt with customers asking for refunds for a couple of reasons. The lawyer has the authority to keep the fees agreed upon by the parties in the agreement. It is of two types:
- Refund with no valid ground.
- Refund with a valid ground.
The very First reason means that clients want to be refunded, for no valid reason. They have been served well but still, they are playing tricks and want their fee back. Lawyers can fully reject it. Even such cases in DIWAN come against the client.
The other second reason is quite straight and simple. It means when a client is served but not on professional grounds and seriously. When such cases are lost then clients ask for refunds and he can also register the case in DIWAN.
Fee By-Law Firms:
Any Law Firm must and should expressly indicate the legal fees prior to the start of working, and upon the confirmation, the client is required to deposit the legal fees as agreed between the parties. However, once the client has submitted the fees and the lawyer has begun work, nothing prevents him from keeping the payments if the client dismisses the lawyer for unjustified reasons.
Law Firms are allowed to receive legal fees for the legal services performed by the lawyer as well as expenditures paid for legally representing the client. Having said that, the client’s fees and costs paid to the legal firm will take precedence over the amount of work done by the lawyer in order to get a decision from any competent authority.
If the Contract is terminated:
If the parties’ agreement is terminated prior to the start of work, the law firm is entitled to earn fees for the legal efforts made or exerted in commencing the work, up to a maximum of 25% of the total value of the issue agreed between the parties. In addition, if there is a disagreement about legal fees, they will be calculated in line with Article 29 of the Lawyers Law.