Role of Lawyers in Crime Control:
Legal systems affect our society in many ways and lawyers contribute significantly to the growth of society. In this respect, the crimes in a society are influenced by the applicable criminal laws which are used in preventing the crimes and punishing the guilty parties. Law Firms in Dubai along with Lawyers in Dubai is also called Dubai Lawyers have criminal lawyers who are experts in dealing with matters involving criminal activities.
The Criminal Lawyers:
Criminal Lawyers expert in Criminal Law, police complaints, public prosecution and criminal court. They are required to act in an unbiased and neutral manner. While the interest of the client should be protected, this should be secondary to upholding the welfare of the state and society.
So they should work only to ensure that justice is served, irrespective of who gets benefit from it. Criminal Lawyers are supposed to be the masters of resolving police complaints, public prosecutions requests and criminal court cases.
The Criminal Lawyers should use objective methods in handling the cases. The case handling should be independent of the personal interests of the lawyers. They should give an honest opinion and not hide the evidence to give undue favours to their client. Money or financial matters should never be a factor in any action taken by the lawyer.
They should work in accordance with the laws of ethics and should never compromise on ethical standards at any cost. Lawyers should never have a prejudice against any segment of society. They should work in the same manner irrespective of the cast, nationality, religion or social status of the client or those concerned.
The Less Developed Country Only:
Some criminals try to intimidate the lawyers to get their unjust support. In such cases, professional lawyers should always take help from law enforcement agencies and never get subdued by their clients. The whole system should work in coherence to ensure the law is protected and those serving for this cause are not harmed. By the way, such things only do happen in less developed countries. It has nothing to do with UAE.
If lawyers follow the standards of ethics and professionalism, the outcome of the cases will always be fair. This behaviour of the law firms is a great deterrence to the criminals and those who ever consider taking an illegal path. Knowing well, that justice will always be served and no one will come to their support unduly. This fear puts them on the right path from the very onset.
Labour and Employment Laws:
Labour Laws are very important for the regulation and protection of the rights and obligations of the employees in the corporate and industrial sector. These laws are aimed primarily to safeguard the interests of the employees but are formulated in a way that both employee and employer can get benefit from them. Law firms assist in setting up procedures in companies to ensure compliance with labour laws, to represent the employer or employee in different departments and also in settling disputes between the employee and employer in courts or amongst themselves.
The implementation of these laws helps in improving the employee-employer relationship and ensure that there is no violation of rights from either party. These laws cater to all the fundamental areas of employment which cover the financial areas, working environment, health and safety, hiring and firing, post-employment and post-retirement rights and benefits among many other areas.
Labour and Employment Laws ensure financial protection of the employees by setting minimum wages and ensuring just compensations against the work performed by the employees. They also regulate the timely payments of salaries, wages and benefits. Labour and Employment Lawyers in Dubai are a great deal this way to understand about the
The Health and safety of the employees are ensured by setting rules regarding the provision of a safe working environment, setting principles of medical facilities and compensations for the employees, insurance benefits, maternity benefits and medical leaves.
Hiring, firing and other areas of employee turnover are also regulated by labour laws. Rules are set so that an employee cannot be terminated from employment unfairly. Sufficient notice period and post-employment benefits are to be given to employees in case the employer terminates them on any reasonable grounds.
Old age benefits and pensions are also implemented by labour laws. Long-serving employees are taken care of after retirement by the creation of funds that gives them a sustenance allowance to live a peaceful life in old age.
Compliance with Labour Laws is beneficial for both employee and employer. Both of them should seek consultation from law firms so that they get knowledge of their rights and obligations and also get assistance in getting compensation based on these laws.
These Labour and Employment Lawyers in Dubai are also helpful to understand the UAE Labour Law, Labour Cases, Labour Matters, Labour Law Documents, Agreements and old verdicts.