Sexual Harassment:
Sexual Harassment allegations have taken the world by storm not just because the intensity or frequency has increased manifold but the realm lies behind the public awareness which owes to its widespread recognition. The victims have realized the necessity to take legal action and not let the offenders roam freely since the severity of this crime is unquestionable. No sector remains unaffected by it. Sexual Harassment at the Workplace is tragically quite commonly glimpsed and experienced. It refers to any inappropriate behaviour, gesture, conduct, statement, or even facial expressions which carry a sexually offensive undertone to it and makes the other person feel uncomfortable, agonizing their mental and physical wellbeing and thus affecting their work productivity. It makes the work environment hostile and renders the employment circumstances awkward. All these unethical things are covered by UAE Labour Law, just to make sure that Sexual Harassment is fully covered in UAE under Law and no one could take the advantage of exploitation due to poor implementation of Laws. That is why UAE is considered the very safest place on earth to live especially for families and women.
The Key Factor: Sexual Harassment:
The key factor in such cases is the recognition of inappropriate conduct. The Employment Lawyers in Dubai(usually the best in the United Arab Emirates and the region) like other Lawyers in the world, classify workplace harassment cases into two categories, on basic and majors. In the first type, unsuitable passing of lewd remarks, hurling sexual abuses or threats, voicing dirty jokes, or inappropriate physical touching creates an unwelcoming and suffocating work environment for an employee. The second kind of sexual misconduct is referred to as quid pro quo. The Labour and Employment Lawyers explain this by stating that quid pro quo happens when the employer or your immediate boss conditions the attainment of any employment gain, approval for compensation or promotion and holding back orders of demotion or termination in exchange for any favour consisting of a date out or sexual indulgence of any sort.
Contact HR or Labour Law/Courts:
When subjected to any such scenario, one as a victim should be aware to differentiate between an unwelcome touch, gesture, expression, or behaviour. The second step should be to address the harasser directly, let him know of his inappropriate conduct, and instruct him severely to put a stop to it there and then. If things still escalate, the HR department of the company needs to be involved. If things persist, the upper management needs to be informed for initiating the desired action. In case the employer fails to take any substantial step against the harasser, he’s punishable by law by employing Employment attorneys to undertake the legal proceedings and restore the victim’s rights and compensation.
Penalties and Fines of Sexual Harassment:
UAE Labour Law makes the strict punishment and sentences for sexual harassment. As per UAE Labour Law, Whoever commits this offence called Sexual Harassment will be punished with One year Jail, or a fine which is not less than AED 10000 or it can be both as well, as this is up to the public prosecutor, clearly defined in Article 359 Of Penal Code. Sexual Harassment can be within same-sex as well. People having same-sex/gender can also harras the person of same-sex. It also comes under sexual harassment. It can also be taken under the breach of homosexual laws. What we want to clear here is that there is no tolerance or mercy for such cases in the United Arab Emirates. Victims can hire Lawyers e.g. Labour and Employment Lawyers, Lawyers for Work Place or other Sexual Harassment, Lawyers expert in Civil matters, etc. These Lawyers first advise the victim about their rights as an employee, then protect you in Courts too.